Child Counseling

 Are You Tired Of Trying to Solve All Your Child’s Issues Alone? 

Is your child struggling to keep up with all the changes in their life? Are they dealing with social anxiety and feeling rejected by their peers? Maybe they’ve moved to a new school, and they’re having trouble making new friends and settling in. Perhaps their body is changing and they’re wrestling with negative self-image and a lack of confidence. Or maybe they’re confused about their sexuality or gender identity. As much as you want to help your child, you may not have all the answers to their questions.

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When children are dealing with depression, anxiety, or ADHD, their difficulties often manifest differently than in adults. Your child may be prone to lying, angry outbursts and constant meltdowns. Perhaps they’re performing poorly in school and handing in assignments late. Maybe they’ve withdrawn from friends and prefer to stay in their room all the time. In the end, they may be too young to describe what is really bothering them, which prevents you from understanding where their challenges come from. 

When your child is acting out, it’s tempting to think that they’re just “being difficult,” but no child is difficult without a reason. That’s why child counseling is so important. It’s a chance to get to the root of your child’s issues and help them be happy, safe, and successful as they journey forth in life.

Children Today Live Under Constant Stress And Pressure To Have It All Together

All young people experience uncertainty about the future. And since they’re just starting to discover who they are, many of them have questions about their identity. They may wonder: Who am I? What am I good at? Where will I go to high school? What will I be when I grow up? Who are my true friends?

Moreover, in a world where many families are divorced, many kids have to reckon with family dynamics that are too complicated for them to fully comprehend. They may feel compelled to “choose” between one parent or the other. And they often blame themselves for their parents’ issues, because they don’t know the whole story behind the separation. 

As a parent, it’s easy to make assumptions about what they’re going through. Oftentimes, however, the struggles your child has may be related to deeper, unseen issues. Trouble with family, school, or their peers could be triggering your child’s tendency toward depression and anxiety. 

You may be tempted to try and handle your child’s issues by yourself. Asking for help may feel like defeat. The truth is actually just the opposite—seeking assistance from an experienced, compassionate child counselor is the best way to guarantee your child’s happiness and success for years to come. 

Counseling Can Help Your Child Conquer Their Fears And Increase Their Happiness

You may ask yourself: What’s the use of child counseling? Isn’t therapy for adults? However, if you suffered a bad bruise, you would most likely see a specialist rather than waiting for your wound to get worse. In the same way, getting help for your child early on in life can prepare them for the future and help them enhance their self-awareness and emotional intelligence at a young age. Essentially, therapy gives kids a head start in life.

During the intake process, I will typically have a session with you and your child together. However, in the event that you would like a private session with me (e.g., if your child has developmental issues that you don’t want to discuss in front of them), I would be more than happy to accommodate you. The structure of the intake process is ultimately dependent on what you and your child feel is best. And if your child is shy at first, the first sessions can include expressive art techniques such as drawing, music, and therapeutic games. These activities will allow them to relax and express themselves in ways that are more comfortable than talking about their problems. 


In subsequent sessions, I will meet one-on-one with your child. My goal is to help them create a mental health “toolbox” of skills and strategies to use in day-to-day life. Whenever they are stressed or feeling sad, they can draw from this toolbox to help them get centered and stay relaxed. The skills in their toolbox may include deep-breathing exercises, meditation, journaling, or therapeutic art techniques. These strategies can help your child conquer their fears, improve their academic performance, and increase their overall happiness.

Additionally, I want you to be an active presence in your child’s healing process. My aim is to coach you to be the kind of parent your child needs. From time to time, you and I can talk on the phone or even conduct a parenting session to discuss your child’s progress. At the same time, it’s important to remember that therapy with your child is confidential. My sessions are a safe space where your child can say whatever is on their mind without any fear of their privacy being compromised. In order to tap into their authentic voice and find their true self, it is essential for your child to be able to freely share their struggles. 

Therapy is like a journey or a hike in the woods. The path isn’t always clear, but by having a guide and companion, it will be easier for your child to find their way in life. I want to help them sort through any entanglements that might be tripping them up. We may have to go around a pricker bush or navigate its thorns slowly and carefully. But no matter how difficult the trail, having good hiking boots and a walking stick is essential and we create these tools through therapeutic attachment and coaching.

I have over four decades of experience counseling children and helping them achieve a brighter future. I am confident I can do the same for yours. By giving them a space to be themselves and equipping them with new skills and resources, I believe your child can grow into a stronger, more empowered version of themselves.

You may have some concerns about kids therapy…

I don’t want a stranger knowing what’s going on in my house.

If you let a pediatrician take care of your child, the pediatrician has to know some essential medical facts about them. In the same way, therapy is about providing support for your child on an emotional level. In order for your child to work through their difficulties, it’s important for them to have a comfortable space to open up without any constraints. That said, my approach is unbiased and judgment-free. I’m not here to tell you what you’re doing wrong or try to change who your child is. My goal is to meet you and your child on your own terms.

My child is difficult and will just get in trouble.

Having worked with children for over four decades, there is nothing I haven’t already seen when it comes to their behavior. I am used to working with kids who have a short attention span, are prone to meltdowns, or struggle to cooperate. Regardless of your child’s challenges, I am confident that the atmosphere of fun and relaxation I provide will help keep them focused and happy while they learn and grow. If they don’t want to sit in a chair, they don’t have to. They can draw, paint, or use music and games to express themselves and relax.

How do I keep my child’s issues private if there are other children in the household?

Ultimately, I can’t control who your child chooses to share their personal story with. However, I can coach them to talk about their concerns with a trusted adult. While it’s important for your child to open up to you when they’re ready, they may not want to share their personal story with their siblings. I can work with your child to set healthy boundaries in regards to what they share with others.


Let Me Help Your Child Find A Path Forward In Life And Achieve A Brighter Future

If your child has been acting out and you’re tired of trying to solve all their issues alone, I am here to ease your burden. To help your child get started, you can email me or call 732-314-7170 for a free, 15-minute phone consultation.

I am based in New Jersey, USA and work virtually around the world. All my child counseling sessions are online. I hope to hear from you soon!  

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