Teen Counseling
Are You Worried About Your Teen’s Mental Health?
Is your teenager experiencing anxiety or depression? Do you feel concerned about their well-being, but you’re unsure how to help? Maybe your teen is indulging in risky behaviors, dating strangers over the internet, or engaging in drug and alcohol use. In the wake of COVID-19, with many of their social supports on hold, your teenager’s troubles may have intensified as they have been forced to spend more time alone. Perhaps they’re self-harming and struggling with suicidality—they show no interest in school, work, or moving on in life.
No matter how invested you are in your teenager’s health, it isn’t always easy to tell what’s bothering them. Oftentimes, what looks like social anxiety is really the result of untreated ADD, since ADD impairs a child’s ability to maintain their self-awareness and regulate their emotions around others. On the other hand, what looks like poor academic performance may actually be the result of depression, as depression can severely impact your teen’s motivation and energy level.
Deep down, you probably just wish you could get to the bottom of your teen’s issues and stop worrying about their safety and well-being. If this is the case, I encourage you to contact me. With over four decades of experience helping adolescents overcome their struggles and prepare for adulthood, I am confident that I can empower your teen to create happiness and be successful and well-adjusted as they go forward in life.
Many Teens Have To Deal With Unrealistic Expectations
While a lot of people believe that teenagers today have it made, the truth is just the opposite. Today’s teens face more cultural pressures and unrealistic expectations than ever before. Not only are they supposed to be popular and have a large following on social media, but they are also supposed to know what college they’re going to and what they want to do for a career. Since they are just getting started in life and figuring out who they are, these expectations only add to the uncertainty they already deal with.
Additionally, the teenage years are a time when young people are really starting to explore their sexuality. While this can be exciting for them, many teens struggle with self-control and making positive decisions when it comes to their sex lives. They may form secret relationships with strangers over the internet or text their friends inappropriate photos of themselves. What’s more, they probably don’t feel comfortable telling you—or any adults, for that matter—about their sexual challenges.
This is why it’s so important for your teenager to have a professional in their life who has the skills needed to elicit their story and validate their needs with neutrality. As a therapist, my goal is to be someone your teen can turn to for support and encouragement. And as a parent myself, I understand how hard it is to admit your child needs outside help. I want to coach on you how to comfort, understand, and empathize with your teenager on a deeper level.
Counseling Can Empower Your Teen To Move Confidently Into The Future
Many teens are hesitant to tell their parents about their issues because they are afraid of getting in trouble. As a result, they keep their struggles to themselves. My job is to provide a safe place for your teen to explore their challenges with the knowledge that they are fully supported and accepted. If there are things that they don’t want to share with anyone else, they can share them with me knowing I will hold sacred everything they tell me.
In the beginning, I will generally have a meet-and-greet session with you and your teen together. The first few sessions are focused on getting to know your teen and making sure that we are a good fit. I will create a three-generational map or study by asking questions about your teen and their entire social and familial network. The goal is to understand who they are in the context of their environment. Most importantly, however, I want to know how they see their lives—how they view the good, the bad, and the ugly in their surroundings.
In subsequent sessions, what I work on with your teenager ultimately depends on what they bring to the therapeutic hour. If they are struggling to keep up in school, we will work on organizational skills and ways to de-stress when they are overwhelmed by their workload. If they are dealing with social anxiety or relationship troubles, I may work on social skills with them and teach them grounding strategies for calming down when they are anxious. These strategies often include mindfulness techniques such as meditation and deep breathing, which will help your teen regulate their emotions and stay focused on what’s important.
Additionally, I want to help teenagers weather the sexual challenges they face at this time of life. I want to be someone they can talk to about their sex lives who will listen without judgment but still help them make positive decisions. Young people need to know that they have the right to say no if they are uncomfortable with a sexual encounter. Likewise, it’s vital that they respect boundaries and understand that no means no. As navigating the gray areas of sexuality is a discussion that every teen should have, these rules apply to everyone regardless of gender. I have also found that teenagers often engage in long-distance dating and cross-cultural dating, which can be challenging for both them and their parents to navigate.
Although sessions with your teen are private, you are still encouraged to be a key player in their healing process. Occasionally, you and I can have a phone call to talk about how your teen is doing in general and how to support them. While instilling a sense of duty and responsibility in young people is important, what teens benefit most from is a parent who will be there for them and offer compassion and understanding. For instance, if your teen faces bullying at school and so did you as a child, being honest with them about your experience can help them respect you and connect with you.
The teenage years are a stressful time for both teens and parents, and no family should have to walk through them alone. That’s why I’m here. Between my help and your support, I am confident that we can empower your teen to regulate their emotions, improve their social skills, and move confidently into the future.
You may have some concerns about teenage therapy…
My teen is afraid that people will judge them for going to counseling.
For teenagers today, having a therapist is like having a feather in their cap. They are growing up in a world where there is widespread awareness around mental health and counseling is viewed as an asset rather than an embarrassment. While we can’t guarantee how others will respond to your teen seeking therapy, most kids their age are likely to see it as normal. What’s more, they don’t have to tell anyone in their life about their time here if they don’t want to.
My teen is worried that they’ll get me in trouble.
Counseling is not about pointing fingers. It’s about helping your teen on their own terms and in their own language, focusing on their needs rather than figuring out who’s to blame for their troubles. While I am unreservedly here to support your child, I am not going to form an “alliance” with them against you. I am not here to criticize your parenting or try to change you. I want to support you as you support your teen and help you build compassion and understanding so that you can be a source of refuge for them.
My teen thinks going to counseling will jeopardize their future.
Being in counseling will not go on your teen’s school record or affect their ability to get into the programs they want. The only instance where the school would know about their participation here is if you choose to tell them. And even then, the school is bound by confidentiality agreements.
Your Teen Deserves Compassion, Understanding, And A Chance To Thrive
If your teen is dealing with depression, anxiety, trauma, or any other issues, I am confident that I can help them. To get started, you can email me or call 732-314-7170 for a free, 15-minute phone consultation.
I am based in New Jersey, USA and work virtually around the world. All my teen counseling sessions are online. I look forward to hearing from you!