How Therapy Can Help Teens Find Confidence
Many teenagers have trouble building up their confidence. When you’re not quite a child anymore, but not quite an adult, either, it can be hard to find your place in the world.
Teens are navigating emotionally charged friendships and their first romantic relationships. And on top of all of that, they’re trying to balance school, extracurriculars, and family obligations.
Teenagers feel the weight of expectations for the future on their shoulders. But they wonder if they can live up to the standards that others have set for them.
That’s why therapy can be so beneficial for teens who need a confidence boost. If you have a teenager who feels insecure, anxious, or stressed, here’s how therapy can help them find their way.
Emotional Regulation
Emotional regulation can be a major challenge for teenagers. When you’re dealing with so much and trying to figure out your own identity in the world, every setback feels monumental.
It’s hard to see that many of these obstacles are going to seem like mere speed bumps in the long run. In therapy, teens can learn how to process intense emotions in a healthy way to avoid arguments or outbursts.
This can help teens make it through tough conversations with friends, family, and romantic partners with dignity. Emotional regulation also makes it easier to handle a tough day with a cool head.
Dealing With Daily Stressors
Let’s face it - countless teenagers are dealing with high levels of stress daily. Many adults do not realize just how much pressure is placed on teens today.
Between school, homework, sports, volunteering, applying for colleges, part-time jobs, staying in touch with friends, and other responsibilities, your teen might have lots of reasons to feel stressed.
In therapy, your teen can learn methods for managing the minor stressors they might encounter at school, at home, or at work. They can practice grounding to feel centered and mindfulness techniques like meditation.
Living By Their Own Values
As a teenager, it can feel like you need to conform to others’ standards in order to be happy. Your teen might feel like society wants them to take a certain route in life, while they want to take another.
It can be difficult for teens to make smart personal decisions and trust themselves as far as their own futures are concerned. Your teen can work with their therapist to gain the courage to live by their own values and principles.
Schedule Organization
There’s a good chance that your teen is juggling a packed schedule. And trying to keep track of all of their deadlines and responsibilities can be difficult. When your teen forgets something important, their confidence can take a hit, and they might end up comparing themselves to others who seem more organized.
A therapist can help your teen choose which commitments to stick with, what they can cut from their schedule, and how to organize their time to get it all done.
Building Healthy Relationships
Finally, your teen might feel like their social relationships make or break their confidence. A breakup or fight with a friend might send them spiraling. Negative comments from a teacher or coach can ruin an otherwise good day.
But in therapy, your teen can learn all about managing healthy, mutually supportive relationships. Furthermore, they can begin to understand why their relationships with other people don’t define them - it’s their own conduct that matters, and that’s what’s in their control.
Is your teen struggling with a lack of confidence and low self-esteem? Teen counseling can help. Reach out to us today to discuss your options for scheduling your teen’s first session.