How Therapy Can Help You Adapt to Life Transitions

Coping with change can be difficult. Divorce, moving, job loss, big societal changes, and other transitions can present obstacles for individuals. Even going through positive changes can present challenges.

For example, you might be excited about starting a new job. But you might feel overwhelmed by greater responsibilities and adjusting to a different workplace.

When you’re going through a period of change, you might feel you’re trying to weather a storm. You don’t know what to expect from moment to moment. And you know things will settle down eventually, but you don’t know when. But talking to a therapist can help you make it through and keep your chin up.

Here’s why working with a therapist is the key to embracing change.

Explore Unresolved Trauma

Why do some people seem to adapt quickly during times of change, while others struggle to find their footing?

Sometimes, it’s best people are still suffering from the long-term effects of unresolved trauma. If you’ve lived through trauma, change can be scarier. You’ve worked so hard to create a safe, stable life, and now, you’re going through upheaval again.

A therapist can help you get to the roots of these fears and process any lingering trauma.

Learn Coping Skills

Sometimes, mastering a few basic coping skills in therapy can help you navigate change with ease. For instance, meditating is a great way to get centered in the morning before taking on your day.

Journaling allows you to get your complicated, nuanced feelings about the changes you’re going through down on paper. And even getting in the habit of taking deep breaths when you feel overwhelmed can make you feel grounded and secure again.

A Space to Express Yourself

What if you’ve been holding your feelings inside because you worry that those around you won’t understand why dealing with change is hard? You may keep your emotions inside. But bottling up your feelings can increase your stress levels.

Eventually, you might feel like you’ve been pushed to the brink - you can’t try to hide how you really feel forever.

In therapy, you can say whatever is on your mind. Your therapist will be ready to listen and help you explore those feelings.

Recognize the Potential for Growth

Yes, change can be scary. But making the most of change can help you grow in ways you didn’t think were possible. You might discover that you were stronger than you previously thought. Maybe you’ll master new skills that you didn’t think you could learn. Or perhaps you’ll learn something about yourself that surprises you.

Your therapist can help you identify opportunities for growth during times of change. It can be hard to see the benefits of significant life changes and transitions. But amid times like this, you can go out of your comfort zone and start a bright new chapter.

Stay Grounded

Right now, you may not know what to expect on a daily basis. You might long for something that feels predictable and uncertain. Therapy can provide you with a safe anchor.

A few days per month, you’ll know that no matter what happens during the day, you’ll have time with your therapist when you can talk about everything you’re experiencing. You will be in a familiar location, talking to someone whom you know and trust.

When everything else feels like it’s shifting, these therapy sessions can give you a sense of structure in your schedule.

Are you struggling to navigate a difficult life transition? Talking to a therapist can help. Reach out to us to discuss your options for scheduling your first session.


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